Diary and news.

  1. October 18th, 2023 (Wednesday)
    I've put Carol's recipes in book form. Available here.
  2. April 9th, 2023 (Sunday)
    Sometimes I feel like I don't derive a lot of pleasure from my achievements.
  3. April 6th, 2023 (Thursday)
    I've got half a mind to either get this job as an associate professor and pursue this type of city-academic life OR, if I don't get the job, flee in the countryside and live the simple life I'm meant to live growing crops and collecting books.
  4. April 4th, 2023 (Tuesday)
    I miss Twitter. I don't miss Twitter as a plateform because it's shit, but I miss interacting with friends there.
  5. March 25th, 2023 (Saturday)
    I just noticed that my MEGA folders on the secret page are empty, save for a handful of files. I don't know what happened. I think I've lost more than a few drawings.
  6. March 15th, 2023 (Wednesday)
    Between two meetings I put a few MIDI files up at the music page.
  7. March 12th, 2023 (Sunday)
    New page: a general list of things that I've made.
  8. December 28th, 2022 (Wednesday)
    I just had a great idea. I'm writing a book with all the recipes in it, alright, that's something in progress; but I could also add a little link to download all the recipes as an archived file! Like a zip or a 7zip. I've got to remember to do that!
  9. December 27th, 2022 (Tuesday)
    It's been a while. I've reached 100 recipes (and also 33 recipes from Karol). That's some milestone! I'll come up with some thoughts on the matter later, but since it has been my goal for some time, I am not particularly surprised. However, and this is important, I am proud and glad I've reached it. I am particularly glad about the reception. People have really taken a liking to many of my characters, especially Carol, the cook. This touches me deeply. I consider art as a way of communicating and I feel like it has reached this invigorating and fulfilling purpose.
  10. October 28th, 2022 (Friday)
    A few changes since last time: a new page with a link to an archive of drawings and animations, pointed to from the navigation with an old character of mine who looks like a devil with a large mouth; some more recipes; some more informative diagrams.
  11. August 8th, 2022 (Monday)
    The navigation page now works. Nice!
  12. August 4th, 2022 (Thursday)
    New page for animations. I will put my animations there. I might also add a contact page soon.
  13. July 30th, 2022 (Saturday)
    New Karol comics: body lineart, worm on a string, and meeting someone.
  14. July 27th, 2022 (Wednesday)
    New Karol comics about computer mice and tan lines.
  15. July 3rd, 2022 (Sunday)
    I remade a Twitter account.

    Link here

  16. July 2nd, 2022 (Saturday)
    New Karol comics about change and cleanliness.
  17. June 22nd, 2022 (Wednesday)
    New Karol comic about cars and hotboxing.
    Test of MIDI hosting back at the music page.
  18. June 21st, 2022 (Tuesday)
    Fun with DALL-E mini (now craiyon). As an artist I am not too scared of being replaced by computers but I'm considerably stunned by the quality of some of the productions. DALL-E seems to have a problem with making xenomorphs appear less slender than they usually do.
  19. June 20th, 2022 (Monday)
    I wish I could wear a lab coat with a purpose. I don't do anything that requires wearing a labcoat at work. Maybe if I were a clerk at a little shop I would wear a labcoat or a worker's coat just to feel official.
  20. June 19th, 2022 (Sunday)
    Babe wake up new Karol comic about showers just dropped
  21. June 18th, 2022 (Saturday)
    I wanted to drink something sweet so I searched for soda at the supermarkets. It has been years since I have drunk any soda. Apart from a few lemonades and Coca cola (!), all the soft drinks I could find had artificial sweeteners in them. Sometimes, they even had real sugar too, as well as artificial sweeteners.

    This is pretty bad. From what I remember, some sugar binds to receptors in your digestive tract and signals to your body to get that sugar in your bloodstream. However, some sugar is left. However bis, artificial sweeteners also bind to receptors and signal your body to get the sugar in there. So, maybe drinking soda that has both artificial sweeteners AND real sugar ensures that all the sugar in the drink gets absorbed?
    I also hate the taste. Aspartame and stevia leave a bad lingering taste in my mouth.
  22. June 14th, 2022 (Tuesday)
    I shaved. Damn if feels good.
  23. June 9th, 2022 (Thursday)
    The more I let my hair and facial hair grow, the prouder I get of my massive brow ridge. It makes me feel like an ancient human, wild and free.
    However, I have also been wearing a jacket at work for a few weeks, and it has had an impact on how I carry myself. My back is straighter, I am more confident when I expose my ideas to my peers or my superiors, and I can imagine myself as a real professor. But inside, I am the same. I still speak in a high pitched voice when I am excited and I still draw big-breasted monsters.
  24. June 8th, 2022 (Wednesday)
    At work. I need to go. I arrange pieces of toilet paper on the bowl with great care so not one square inch of my skin touches the tainted porcelain. I approach my massive behind too fast and the gust of wind destroys all my efforts.
  25. June 7th, 2022 (Tuesday)
    Updated the style for the diary. Now entries are better delimited. Do you like the pink?
  26. June 6th, 2022 (Monday)
    I was walking through the park this morning to go to the library and I saw a raven foraging for food on the ground. I wondered what it would be like to live such an apparently simple life. I then noticed that he was eating dog poop. It seemed that their lives were much more complicated than I thought.
  27. June 4th, 2022 (Saturday)
    It's strange to think that I might only experience my hair going gray a single time.
  28. June 3rd, 2022 (Friday)
    Today, I am not working so I went to the library. I am currently drinking a cappuccino. I have started taking them with two sugars. I am thin. I could probably easily gain ten or fifteen kilograms and still not feel fat. I actually should gain weight because I get cold sometimes! So I don't feel too bad. The implied reasoning can be summarized as follows:
    1. If I am fat and I drink cappuccino with two sugars, then I feel bad.
    2. I am not fat.
    3. Therefore, I don't feel bad even if I drink cappuccino with two sugars.
    At first glance the reasoning is sound, but there is are still several problems. For example, I could adapt this reasoning to deduce that I always feel good, as long as I am not fat. This is not the case because I regularly feel bad about several things such as drinking too much coffee. One way to fix the reasoning is to change the premise 1. into
    1. ' I am fat and I drink cappuccino with two sugars if and only if I feel bad.
    Then, I can negate the whole thing:
    1. '' I am not fat or I don't drink cappuccino with two sugars if and only if I don't feel bad.
    This means that I don't feel bad when I am not fat (strange) or when I don't drink cappuccino with two sugars (stranger?) Why should my happiness depend on coffee and being fat?
    I want to center the website's contents. I don't like the text touching the borders like that. Edit: I just changed the website's CSS. Now it should be centered. If not tough luck, I have other things to do at the library!
  29. June 1st, 2022 (Wednesday)
    I plan on adding more content to the website soon. For example, I have added some new links to music. I have also added a few diagrams. This is taking a very long time. I don't want this website to become like my MEGA link, however, even if it is a convenient way to share my drawings.