  1. June 4, 2024 (Tuesday)
    New "recipe" (Carol's Cooking Fails). Failure ain't so bad. Just don't eat weird things that can make you sick.
  2. June 3, 2024 (Monday)
    This is terrifying.
  3. June 1, 2024 (Saturday)
    If you're just pouring something clear out of context, I'll assume it's regular water, but I won't drink it.
    I've put recent illustrations and drawings in the ILLUSTRATIONS page.
    "Some ingredients go together like Karol and breakups." Would you think Carol would be able to say that? I didn't think so either. She doesn't strike me as someone who would do mean jokes like that. She would think it though. She isn't naive.
  4. May 31, 2024 (Friday)
    Revamped website to tidy things out. I will add content and pictures back.
    Decided to continue illustrating Carol's recipes (Kiwi Salad). Also added a new recipe of Karol's (HAND CLEANING).
    Missing Twitter and friends there. May try BlueSky.
  5. October 18th, 2023 (Wednesday)
    I've put Carol's first 100 recipes in book form. Available here. EDIT (June 3, 2024): precised that the book only contains the first 100 recipes.